Being on a private yacht is the best, and in most cases, the only way to really explore the nature of the worlds islands and coastal regions, on land and in the water. Whether you are avid sailors or have never set foot on a boat, cruising the islands by private sailboat enables you to experience the very best that nature has to offer without disturbance.
Throughout your adventure sailing vacation, you will anchor in several beautiful spots that offer the best in snorkeling and shore side exploring. Be as lazy or active as you like in your discovery. Even lounging in the hammock, nature smiles at you – a turtle may pop its head out of the water and pelicans feast on minnows nearby.
For those who want to delve deeper into the magic of the islands natural beauty, your knowledgeable captain or crew will lead the way. We work with many crew members renowned throughout the yacht community for their knowledge of local ecology, including coral reefs and tropical birds, and for their love of sharing this with guests. Several crew even have degrees in marine biology, zoology or other related field. A yacht vacation can be an ultimate ecotour learning and eco-friendly or green vacation for the whole family.
Here are just some of what makes In The Wild yacht charter vacations so naturally inviting.

SNORKELING: Many charter destinations offer spectacular snorkeling. The wide variety of reef habitats has opportunities for everyone, from complete novices to experts, for observing the intricate interactions of reef organisms. For those looking for more adventure you can try night snorkeling or go out to more remote reefs and deep drop offs. Discover Xmas Tree Worms, a tiny male Jaw Fish protecting eggs in his mouth, a school of bright blue Tang, Sea Fans, Jewel Fish and much much more. Or go deeper yet, and do some SCUBA diving.

TURTLES: There are anchorages where turtles are easily seen from the boat or while snorkeling. In some destinations, a dawn walk along a beach may show the nesting activity of a turtle or the tiny tracks of newly hatched babies heading to sea.

BIRD WATCHING: Dinghy by rookeries of Brown Pelicans or sail close by the cliffs where the Red Billed Tropic Birds nest in the winter. Watch for Osprey, Magnificent Frigate birds, Brown Boobies and several species of terns. Ashore there may be Bananaquits, Hummingbirds, and Turtle Doves (for which Tortola, BVI is named), and on salt ponds or in the mangroves, a variety of wading birds can be observed.
WHALES: J There a many charter areas where you can get up close to various species of whales on your private boat. Humpbacks in New England summer and Caribbean breeding grounds in winter and Gray Whales in Baja are some of the best !
WALKS: From most anchorages there is access ashore to quiet roads and trails. Your crew can lead you to hilltops with stunning views, along endless pristine beaches, past salt ponds, and historical sites, many that have been taken over by the local wild life. You can observe the vegetation of remnant rain forests and dry tropical forests to dramatic rocky shores. There may be orchids and bromeliads, wild frangipani scenting the air and spectacular flowering century plants attracting Hummingbirds.
There is much much more, but you will discover it when you’re on board your private ecotour sailing adventure. And to help you understand the ecosystems you are sailing among, there will be a library on board with a variety of coral reef and fish guides, history books and bird identification aids, or whatever is wild in those parts.
So what are you waiting for, get on a yacht and go explore!
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